
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Welcome to the 3C Project Blog!

The 3C Project at National-Louis University is dedicated to research, action, and partnerships that contribute to the creation of a culture of inclusion in elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education. Three "C's" represent the themes that guide the Project:

Content refers to the forms of content knowledge needed to create a culture of inclusion in education: technological content, practical content, and theoretical content. All Project activities aim to address at least one form of content knowledge.
Context refers to the contexts of teaching and learning: contexts internal and external to the place of learning, contexts that are both face-to-face and virtual, and contexts that are local, "glocal," and global. Through dissemination of information and research, the Project aims to influence these three types of context.
Culture refers to a culture of inclusion for which all community members are responsible. This entails creating visibility, accessibility, and possibility. Through all of its activities, the Project aims to contribute to the international efforts toward inclusive education.

Visit our 3C website today