
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Policy News

Possible Medicaid Cuts Worry Disability Groups

Funding Cut Leaves Schools Scrambling to Provide Services for Special-Needs Students
End of Diversity Policy Leaves a Southern School District Divided

Share your comments about these policy issues in the news with the 3C Project today!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Disability Studies in Education 2011 Conference

Rethinking Accessibility
for the Next Decade of DSE

     The National College of Education at National-Louis University, will host the 11th Annual Second City Disability Studies in Education Conference,  at their Chicago campus, 122 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago IL 60602, May 12-15, 2011. For 11 years, this annual event has attracted researchers, professors, teachers, and other individuals who actively seek to change traditional theory and practice around disability within the fields of education and rehabilitation services. This year's theme, Rethinking Accessibility for the Next Decade of DSE, will provide a framework for moving forward in pursuit of accessible and equitable learning opportunities for all. The DSE's legacy in honoring promising and significant research, as well as innovative practice within Disability Studies in Education continues with the inclusion of several highlighted conference features: The Senior Scholar Award, The Junior Scholar Award, invited keynote speakers, and other special events. The conference continues its custom of bringing together scholars, researchers, teachers, and agents of social change, all united through their interest in theorizing, politicizing, and reconceptualizing disability within the field of education. 

Call for proposals are now being accepted through December 15, 2010. See link below for specific details.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Welcome to the 3C Project Blog!

The 3C Project at National-Louis University is dedicated to research, action, and partnerships that contribute to the creation of a culture of inclusion in elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education. Three "C's" represent the themes that guide the Project:

Content refers to the forms of content knowledge needed to create a culture of inclusion in education: technological content, practical content, and theoretical content. All Project activities aim to address at least one form of content knowledge.
Context refers to the contexts of teaching and learning: contexts internal and external to the place of learning, contexts that are both face-to-face and virtual, and contexts that are local, "glocal," and global. Through dissemination of information and research, the Project aims to influence these three types of context.
Culture refers to a culture of inclusion for which all community members are responsible. This entails creating visibility, accessibility, and possibility. Through all of its activities, the Project aims to contribute to the international efforts toward inclusive education.

Visit our 3C website today